Sunil Mathew
Research Associate
email: sunil.mathew[at]unipr.it
mailing address:
Dip. di Ingegneria e Architettura
Parco Area delle Scienze, 181A
43124 ParmaSunil was born in Thodupuzha, India, on November 1990.
He received a Bachelor of Technology (4-year program) in Electronics and Communication Engineering in May 2014, from the Mahatma Gandhi University, India, and a Master Degree (second cycle degree) in Communication Engineering on March 2020, from the University of Parma, Italy.
He discussed a thesis entitled “Low latency Digital Audio Wireless Networking.”
- Internet of Things
- Low Latency Communications
Simulation-based Analysis of Experimental 5G NR Downlink CSI-RSRP-based Handover Performance Inproceedings
In: 28th European Wireless Conference (European Wireless 2023), pp. 8-13, Rome, Italy, 2024.
On the Reduction of Unnecessary Handovers Using 5G Small Cells in a 5G NR Environment Inproceedings
In: 2023 International Conference on the Confluence of Advancements in Robotics, Vision and Interdisciplinary Technology Management (IC-RVITM), pp. 1-6, Bangalore, India, 2024.
Simulation-based Analysis of Experimental 5G NR Downlink CSI-RSRP-based Handover Performance Inproceedings
In: Proceedings of the 28th European Wireless, Rome, Italy, 2023.
Sistema per la distribuzione di segnali audio su una rete senza fili e relativo metodo Patent