2022-04 – Meeting of the INAIL project @ Monte Porzio Catone

April 2022

G. Ferrari, L. Belli and L. Davoli participate at an intermediate meeting of the Cyber-physical systems for safety in production plants with high accident risk with integration of people/objects localization technologies and distributed sensing systems (CP-SEC) project, funded by the Istituto Nazionale contro gli Infortuni sul Lavoro (INAIL), Bando Ricerche In Collaborazione (BRIC 2019), Piano Attività di ricerca 2019-2021, TEMATICA ID 2 “Approcci integrati e metodologie innovative per la prevenzione del fenomeno infortunistico anche attraverso l’analisi dei “near miss””. The intermediate meeting was held at the Monte Porzio Catone’s INAIL Research Center in Monte Porzio Catone, Italy.

2022-04 – Prof. Ferrari discuss the results of the AFarCloud project and future plans in the smart farming domain

April 2022

Prof. Ferrari, together with Prof. Martínez-Ortega, discuss the results of the AFarCloud project and future plans in the smart farming domain contributes in the article “From smart agricultural systems to intelligent digital systems – Successes of the AFarCloud project” published in the second issue of the Inside Magazine published by Inside Industry Association.