2023-01 – Final Event of the INAIL project @ UNISI

January 2023

G. Ferrari, L. Belli and L. Davoli participate at the Final Event of the Cyber-physical systems for safety in production plants with high accident risk with integration of people/objects localization technologies and distributed sensing systems (CP-SEC) project, funded by the Istituto Nazionale contro gli Infortuni sul Lavoro (INAIL), Bando Ricerche In Collaborazione (BRIC 2019), Piano Attività di ricerca 2019-2021, TEMATICA ID 2 “Approcci integrati e metodologie innovative per la prevenzione del fenomeno infortunistico anche attraverso l’analisi dei “near miss””. The intermediate meeting was held at the University of Siena (UNISI) in Siena, Italy.