prj-2011-2012 – Cross-Network Effective Traffic Alerts Dissemination (X-NETAD)

Cross-Network Effective Traffic Alerts Dissemination (X-NETAD).
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Italy) and The Israeli Industry Center for R&D (Israel) under the “Israel-Italy Joint Innovation Program for Industrial, Scientific and Technological Cooperation in R&D.” Partners: University of Parma and Guglielmo (Italy); Cellint (Israel). One-year project which received the EUREKA ‘label’ (Eureka Label E! 6252 – X-NETAD).
PI for the Italian side: Gianluigi Ferrari. Coverage on Italian press: Corriere delle Comunicazioni (November 15, 2011); Il Sole24Ore Trasporti (December 5, 2011); Automazione Industriale (March 1, 2012).

prj-2010-2011 – Design and implementation of a smartphone software application for automatic vertical handover between heterogeneous wireless networks

Design and implementation of a smartphone software application for automatic vertical handover between heterogeneous wireless networks.
Regione Emilia-Romagna, through SPINNER2013 funding. Collaborating company:Guglielmo. Eight-month scholarhip (assigned to Giovanni Spigoni, after completion of 5-year “Laurea” degree under the supervision of Gianluigi Ferrari).
Scientific tutor: Gianluigi Ferrari

prj-2010-2011 – Design and implementation of an advanced multi-hop communication protocol for Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks (VANETs)

Design and implementation of an advanced multi-hop communication protocol for Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks (VANETs).
Regione Emilia-Romagna, through SPINNER2013 funding. Collaborating company:MC INFORMATICA E TELECOMUNICAZIONI. Eight-month scholarhip (assigned to Vito Andrea Giorgio, after completion of 5-year “Laurea” degree under the supervision of Gianluigi Ferrari).
Scientific tutor: Gianluigi Ferrari.

prj-2010 – Réseau de senseurs visant à soutenir l’efficacité énergétique et le monitoring environmental distribué à large échelle (Energy-efficient sensor networks for large scale distributed environmental monitoring)

Réseau de senseurs visant à soutenir l’efficacité énergétique et le monitoring environmental distribué à large échelle (Energy-efficient sensor networks for large scale distributed environmental monitoring).
Regione de Bruxelles-Capitale, Belgium, through “Brains (Back) to Brussels” funding. Three-month research project carried out by Gianluigi Ferrari, as Visiting Researcher, at the OPERA Department of the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.